Lamento sobre Cristo muerto (detalle)

Lamento sobre Cristo muerto, detalle
Obra de Lluis Borrassà (1411) insertada en el Retablo del Espíritu Santo de Pere Serra.

The central piece with the Lament over the Dead Christ was painted by Lluís Borrassà in 1411 for an altarpiece dedicated to Saint Anthony the Abbot, a work commissioned on 24 January 1408 from the carpenter Pere de Puig regarding the structure and of which only this piece is preserved. The style of this artist must be placed within the International Gothic. different from the Italo-Gothic of Pere Serra, which places more emphasis on the drama of the scenes, through the representation of feelings and colour contrasts. It is a work from Borrassà’s mature period that shows characters with great emotional tension, clenched hands and faces full of emotion.

This work by Borrassà has inspired some artists, such as Jaume Huguet with his Lament over the Dead Christ, a predella for the Vallmoll altarpiece, now in the Louvre Museum. But it has also been used to cover representations of the Dormition of Mary, such as the sculptor Lluis Bonifaç with his Death of the Virgin for the oratory of Valls Castle, which has now disappeared. The painter Antoni Viladomat, a contemporary of Bonifaç, was also inspired by his Dormition of the Virgin of 1730-1745, which was in the Chapel of the Rosary in the church of Bethlehem in Barcelona and is in the library of the Borja Centre in San Cugat del Vallès

Wikipedia. (ES)

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Una respuesta a “Lamento sobre Cristo muerto (detalle)”

  1. […] Lamento sobre Cristo muerto. Pintura obra de Lluis Borrasá, (1411) insertada en el Retablo del Espíritu Santo de Pere Serra. A diferencia de este último, a Borrasá lo podemos considerar como representante de la categoría del Gótico internacional, de la que también forma parte, por ejemplo, el Palacio de los Papas de Aviñón. […]

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