
  • bookaddict24-7: “Tris: “I was reading.”Sandry: “You’re always reading. The only way people can ever talk to you is to interrupt.”Tris: “Then maybe they shouldn’t talk to me.” ―Briar’s Book by Tamora Pierce "Tris: "Estaba leyendo”. Sandry: “Siempre estás leyendo. La única forma que tiene la gente siempre de hablar contigo es interrumpirte”. Tris: Entonces no… Continue reading

  • bookaddict24-7: “I read and read and read with an intensity I’d never really known before. I mean, I’d always considered myself to be a person who liked books. But there is a difference between liking books and needing them. I needed books.” ―Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig “Leo y leo y leo con… Continue reading

  • books0977: The Library of Thorvald Boeck (1902). Harriet Backer (Norwegian, 1845-1932). Oil on canvas. National Gallery, Oslo, Norway. Olaf Thorvald Boeck (1835-1901) was a Norwegian lawyer, civil servant and book collector. His library was known for its time as the largest private library in Norway. Backer’s painting incorporates only one part of the library. La… Continue reading

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