The cave church of Sts. Justo y Pastor (Olleros del Pisuerga, Palencia)

The cave church of Saints Justo and Pastor in Olleros de Pisuerga (#Palencia) was excavated in a promontory of sandstone rock.
It dates back to the 9th century and is considered one of the best examples of cave architecture in Spain.


The interior follows the same outline of a Romanesque church, with two naves topped by a barrel vault and their respective apses with the typical quarter-sphere vaulting. The complex is completed by a sacristy, which is thought to be the oldest part of the church, and a funerary chapel with an anthropomorphic tomb identical to many others in the surrounding area.

Turismo de Castilla y León.

Fotos tomadas del enlace de Twitter mencionado de ArteViajero. Los enlaces están en español.

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  1. […] The cave church of Saints Justo and Pastor in Olleros de Pisuerga. Más románico castellano. […]

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