The church of San Martin de Aguilera (Soria)

The church of San Martín de Aguilera (Soria). We never tire of vindicating the Castilian Romanesque porticoed church as a more than justified candidate to be distinguished as a #UnescoWorldHeritage Site.

Románico España

More on this Romanesque church:

Dating from the 12th century, it preserves almost all of its Romanesque structure and stands out for its porticoed gallery from which you can admire a magnificent landscape, outlined by the spectacular Caliphate fortress of Gormaz. The church follows the typical rural model of a single nave, with a semicircular apse at the chancel preceded by the presbytery. The ashlar doorway opens to the south with a semicircular arch with three archivolts resting on columns with decorated capitals. A wide ashlar portico precedes the door. The arcades rest on a high bench, with single and double columns with capitals decorated with plant motifs and some figurative examples.

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